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Healing begins when your soul is free to find its connection to spirit.

Movement Therapist

The aim is to create more living thoughts and feelings than dead...
grow and imprint them in the soul, as a strengthening
and sustaining force that nurtures you on the path
towards finding the true Self.

You are a creative, spiritual being, capable of changing your life. Let's get moving!

Living thoughts and feelings carry a sense of vitality—an inner tranquility that calms, reassures, and gives us strength to move forward.  Dead thoughts feel heavy and draining, leaving us feeling tired, uninspired, or empty inside. When we begin to create more living thoughts than dead,  a sense of flow and harmony comes into the soul. New feelings and awarenesses begin to move effortlessly through us, like a river carving its path. We literally begin to transform our soul body, expanding it and connecting it more deeply to spirit. In these moments of living thinking, we are not just creators, but vessels through which the living word can become manifest.




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Welcome, friend,


I am glad you are here. Sacred Heart Healing is for anyone who is looking to create deep, profound changes in the way they think, feel and act in the world; and in particular, how they think and feel about themselves and their life's purpose and meaning. We don't focus on where you've been. We focus on where you want to go. Your life history, family biography, experiences, and education are a part of that, yes, but they define the past...not the present...nor the future you desire to create. We get to the crux of the issue at hand through conversation and inner listening. And we find what is "living" and moving you forward in life; and what is "dead," and holding you back.​

Woman Relaxing in Nature
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